Best Homemade Face Moisturizer With Coconut Oil

Best Homemade Face Moisturizer 

With Coconut Oil

Best Homemade Face Moisturizer With Coconut Oil
Homemade Face Moisturizer With Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil

What you need:

1 cup aloe vera gel (not liquid or oil)
¼ cup liquid oil (almond, jojoba, grape seed, hemp, etc.)
¼ cup coconut oil (can substitute palm or shea, but texture will be different)
¾ ounce beeswax (or ½ ounce carnauba, soy, or emulsion wax)
7–10 drops essential oil (lavender, chamomile, or other light florals are great)
5 drops vitamin E oil
1 clean mixing bowl that can withstand heat
1 stick blender
1 Double boiler or microwaveable bowl or measuring cup
1 Silicone spatula
1 Dropper
Kitchen scale
Safety glasses
Oven mitt
1 Clean and sterile jar with a lid, or a lotion bottle

How to make it:

This recipe can get a bit technical as you have to make an emulsion. That is, you have to combine an oil, a wax, and a water soluble liquid in a way to get them to come together and stay together. Once cooled, this should be a cream or lotion, but if it gets so hot as to melt the oils and waxes, it will no longerreform correctly.

Make sure all of your ingredients are ready to go before you start. Put on your safety glasses to protect your eyes, and make sure to use the oven mitt when handling the microwavable dishes or the double boiler. Measure out your wax and solid oil into either the top part of your double boiler or your microwave-safe dish. If you are using the double boiler, stir the ingredients occasionally as they melt. For the microwave, start with a 30-second blast, stir, and then continue with 15-second blasts until melted. Once your oils and waxes are completely melted, pour this into your mixing bowl using your oven mitts. Add in your liquid oil (almond, jojoba, hemp, etc.), stirring as you pour it in.

You should have your safety glasses on as you start the next part. Get your stick blender (or wand blender) and begin pouring in the aloe vera gel slowly as you blend on medium. Keep blending as solution whitens and begins to thicken. As it starts to become creamy, add in the essential oil and vitamin E oil. Keep blending the mixture for about ten minutes to make sure it has completely emulsified. Touch your finger to the lotion and smear it on your arm. 

If it is too greasy or oily, add more aloe vera gel while blending. If it is too watery, add more oil. Once the mixture is completely blended, pour it into your jar and put the lid on. To use, put a small amount on your fingertips and massage it into your face. This solution can also work as a lotion.


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